Revista CD Expert 8
Revista CD Expert nº 08 CD1.iso
MS-DOS Interrupt List
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404 lines
├─┼─┤ PROJECT : INT2IPF - Convert all files to .IPF ├─┼─┤
├─┼─┤ FILE : INT2IPF.C - Main Module ├─┼─┤
├─┼─┤ Last modified: 20 Feb 97 ├─┼─┤
INT2IPF - Convert INTERRUP.LST to .IPF format for the OS/2 IPF Compiler
Processes the output of COMBINE.COM (interrup.lst)
INT2IPF interrup.lst interrup.ipf
INT2IPF interrup.lst interrup.ipf
IPFC interrup.ipf /INF
WarpSpeed Computers - The Graham Utilities for OS/2.
Voice: +61-3-9384-1060 PO Box 212 FidoNet: 3:632/344
FAX: +61-3-9386-9979 Brunswick Internet: chrisg@warpspeed.com.au
BBS: +61-3-9386-3104 VIC 3056 CompuServe: 100250,1645
300-28,800 N,8,1 ANSI Australia Web Pages:
#define INT2IPF
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* History */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1.00 08/02/97 Initial Version
1.01 20/02/97 Added in index support. Due to duplicates the
:i2. tags have been commented out.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Include files */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define INCL_DOS
#define INCL_NOPM
#define INCL_KBD
#include <os2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "warpcomm.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Definitions */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define Version "[INT2IPF, V1.01 - 20/02/97 - (C) Chris Graham - WarpSpeed Computers]\n"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* External references */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Foreward references */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
BOOL Convert_File( PSZ pszFileIn, PSZ pszFileOut ) ;
void Parse_CmdLine( int *argc, char *argv[] ) ;
void Usage( void ) ;
void DoHeader( FILE * fpFileOut ) ;
void DoFooter( FILE * fpFileOut ) ;
void Replace_String( PSZ pszSource, PSZ pszSearch, PSZ pszReplace ) ;
void ParseLine( PSZ pszLine ) ;
void DoSeparator( FILE *fpFileOut, PSZ pszLine, ULONG ulCount ) ;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Constant Local Data */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Global Data */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Code */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ) ;
printf( Version ) ;
Parse_CmdLine( &argc, argv ) ;
if ( 3 == argc )
if ( !Convert_File( argv[1], argv[2] ) )
Usage() ;
Usage() ;
exit( 1 ) ;
return( 0 ) ;
BOOL Convert_File( PSZ pszFileIn, PSZ pszFileOut )
FILE *fpFileIn, *fpFileOut ;
PSZ pszLine ;
ULONG ulCount ;
fpFileIn = fopen( pszFileIn, READ_TEXT ) ;
if ( NULL == fpFileIn )
perror( pszFileIn ) ;
return( FALSE ) ;
printf( "Processing %s\n", pszFileIn ) ;
fpFileOut = fopen( pszFileOut, WRITE_BINARY ) ;
if ( NULL == fpFileOut )
perror( pszFileOut ) ;
return( FALSE ) ;
printf( "Producing %s\n", pszFileOut ) ;
ulCount = 0L ;
DoHeader( fpFileOut ) ;
pszLine = (PSZ) malloc( (size_t) 32768 ) ;
if ( NULL != pszLine )
while ( NULL != fgets( pszLine, (int) 32767, fpFileIn ) )
if ( 0 == strncmp( pszLine, "--------!---Section", 19 ) )
/* Remove the multiple section lines */
fgets( pszLine, (int) 32767, fpFileIn ) ;
fgets( pszLine, (int) 32767, fpFileIn ) ;
ulCount = ulCount + 3 ;
/* Otherwise, process normal lines */
ulCount++ ;
ParseLine( pszLine ) ;
if ( 0 == strncmp( pszLine, "--------", 8 ) )
/* Do the divider line */
DoSeparator( fpFileOut, pszLine, ulCount ) ;
/* Do other lines */
fputs( pszLine, fpFileOut ) ;
free( pszLine ) ;
DoFooter( fpFileOut ) ;
fclose( fpFileOut ) ;
fclose( fpFileIn ) ;
printf( "%lu lines processed.\n", ulCount + 1 ) ;
return( TRUE ) ;
void Parse_CmdLine( int *argc, char *argv[] )
int i, j ;
/* Parse for command line switches */
for ( i = 1; argv[i]; i++ )
if ( '/' == *argv[i] || '-' == *argv[i] )
/* Accept slashes or dashes */
for ( j = 1; argv[i][j]; j++ )
switch (tolower(argv[i][j]))
case '?':
case '*':
Usage() ;
exit(1) ;
break ;
printf( "Unknown option \"%s\"\n", argv[i] ) ;
Usage() ;
exit(1) ;
for ( j = i; j < *argc; j++ )
/* remove that argv from the list */
argv[j] = argv[j + 1] ;
argv[*argc] = NULL ;
if ( i != *argc )
(*argc)-- ;
i-- ;
void Usage( void )
printf( "Usage: INT2IPF <File In> <File Out>\n" ) ;
void DoHeader( FILE * fpFileOut )
fprintf( fpFileOut, ".*****************************************************************************\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ".* Ralf Browns' Interrupt List *\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ".*****************************************************************************\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":userdoc.\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":docprof toc=123.\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":title.Ralf Browns' Interrupt List\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":body.\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":h1.\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, "Ralf Browns' Interrupt List\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":xmp.\n" ) ;
void DoFooter( FILE * fpFileOut )
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":exmp.\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ".*****************************************************************************\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":index.\n" ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":euserdoc.\n" ) ;
void Replace_String( PSZ pszSource, PSZ pszSearch, PSZ pszReplace )
PCHAR pC1, pC2, pC3, pC4 ;
int i ;
i = strlen( pszSearch ) ;
pC3 = pC2 = malloc( (size_t) 32768 ) ;
pC1 = pszSource ;
while ( '\0' != *pC1 )
if ( 0 == strnicmp( pC1, pszSearch, i ) )
pC4 = pszReplace ;
while ( *pC4 )
*pC2++ = *pC4++ ;
pC1++ ;
*pC2++ = *pC1++ ;
*pC2 = '\0' ;
strcpy( pszSource, pC3 ) ;
free( pC3 ) ;
void ParseLine( PSZ pszLine )
/* TODO: Smart Tab Stops */
Replace_String( pszLine, "\t", " " ) ;
Replace_String( pszLine, "&", "&." ) ;
Replace_String( pszLine, ":", "&colon." ) ;
void DoSeparator( FILE *fpFileOut, PSZ pszLine, ULONG ulCount )
static char szINT[] = "INT xx" ;
static char szAX[] = "AX = xxxx" ;
static char szAH[] = "AH = xx" ;
static char szCurrentInt[] = " " ;
static char szInterrupt[] = "Interrupt xxh" ;
static ULONG ulRefID ;
char szBuffer[100] ;
PSZ pC1, pC2 ;
int nLevel ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":exmp.\n" ) ;
szINT[4] = pszLine[10] ;
szINT[5] = pszLine[11] ;
if ( 0 == strcmp( szCurrentInt, "--" ) )
nLevel = 1 ;
if ( szINT[4] == szCurrentInt[0] && szINT[5] == szCurrentInt[1] )
/* Same level */
nLevel = 2 ;
/* Different level, reset to primary level */
szInterrupt[10] = pszLine[10] ;
szInterrupt[11] = pszLine[11] ;
if ( '-' != pszLine[10] && '-' != pszLine[11] )
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":h1 id=%lu.%s\n", ulCount - 1, szInterrupt ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":i1 id=%lu.%s\n", ulCount - 1, szInterrupt ) ;
ulRefID = ulCount - 1 ;
/* IPFC whinges if there is no text between :h tags, so we give it some */
fprintf( fpFileOut, "%s\n", szInterrupt ) ;
nLevel = 2 ;
if ( '-' == pszLine[10] && '-' == pszLine[11] )
/* This covers the headers (no interrupt) */
pC1 = &pszLine[12] ;
pC2 = szBuffer ;
while ( '\0' != *pC1 )
if ( '-' != *pC1 )
/* Copy non '-' chars */
*pC2++ = *pC1++ ;
/* skip '-' chars */
pC1++ ;
*pC2 = '\0' ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":h1 id=%lu.%s\n", ulCount, szBuffer ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":i1 id=%lu.%s\n", ulCount, szBuffer ) ;
ulRefID = ulCount ;
if ( '-' == pszLine[14] && '-' == pszLine[15] )
szAH[5] = pszLine[12] ;
szAH[6] = pszLine[13] ;
if ( '-' != pszLine[12] && '-' != pszLine[13] )
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":h%d id=%lu.%s %s\n", nLevel, ulCount, szINT, szAH ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":i2 refid=%lu.%s %s\n", ulRefID, szINT, szAH ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":h%d id=%lu.%s\n", nLevel, ulCount, szINT ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":i2 refid=%lu.%s\n", ulRefID, szINT ) ;
szAX[5] = pszLine[12] ;
szAX[6] = pszLine[13] ;
szAX[7] = pszLine[14] ;
szAX[8] = pszLine[15] ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":h%d id=%lu.%s %s\n", nLevel, ulCount, szINT, szAX ) ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":i2 refid=%lu.%s %s\n", ulRefID, szINT, szAX ) ;
if ( '-' != pszLine[10] && '-' != pszLine[11] )
szCurrentInt[0] = pszLine[10] ;
szCurrentInt[1] = pszLine[11] ;
fprintf( fpFileOut, ":xmp.\n" ) ;